Parking spaces in both covered or open air, payment parking facilities require entry and exit control. For these applications, we have designed reliable and robust barriers, allowing a synergy with an external management system.

BL 10
Casual Traffic Accesses
(up to 8m)

BL 229
High performance
Up to 20 ft

BL 40
Up to 8 m

BL 41
Up to 12 m

BL 43
Reinforced arm
Up to 6 m

BL 52
Extra-Long Vehicle Barrier
(up to 14m)

BL 53
Reinforced arm
Extra-Long - up to 8 m

TRS 370
Full-Height Turnstile
Single passage

TRS 371
Full-height Turnstile
Single passage 4 sections

TRS 372
Full-Height Turnstile
Dual passage

BL 46
With folding fence
Up to 7 m

BL 47
Fenced Barrier with rigid security bars - Sensitive security profiles (max. 4.35m)

BLG 76
Fenced barrier
Up to 5 m

BLG 77
Fenced barrier
Up to 6.15 m